Bouncing Ballz is a 2D top-down shooter. Your main objective is to kill every enemy in the current level.


[W],[A],[S],[D] to move forwards, left, backwards, right

[B] to place bombs/landmines

[R] to respawn

[MOUSE CLICK] to fire bullets

[RIGHT MOUSE CLICK] to fire super bullets

[E],[Q],[2],[X] to dash left, right, up, down

[SHIFT] to circle dash

[CTRL] to dodge

[ESCAPE] to pause game

[M] to return to menu

[SPACE] to fire bullets


More animations

More levels

Smoother camera movement

Dashing and dodging

Pygame CPU rendering

performance enhancements?


build defense- build a base with blocks, traps, turbines, etc to protect against enemies [coming soon]

-better ai/more tactical movement

-movement easing on ai and players (not too slippery)

-slower super bullet recharge

-super bullet recharges slower when actively firing (0.3s cooldown on debuff)

-super bullet recharges slower the more bombs you have in your inventory

-more bouncy walls

-more small corridors, rather than open areas.
-make bombs have an explosion visual, propagates outward and does not deal damage instantly.

-decrease super bullet damage by 1/3

-decrease normal enemy fire rate


-dash/ shift to jump in a direction, takes 0.6 seconds with a 1 second cooldown

-friction during dash is decreased, momentum is nearly kept

-dodge/ control to jump in a direction, takes 0.3 seconds, dodge all bullets, lose all momentum

-the longer you are actively moving, the higher your movement speed is. resets when you stop

-killing an amount of enemies gives you a shell. shells pierce enemies, move at 5x normal bullet speed, deal 5x normal bullet damage. knocks player back when shot.
-more enemy types/

    -normal enemy - shoots regular bullets

    -minigunner - shoots regular bullets, faster, does not move while shooting. Shoots for 3 seconds with a 1.5 second cooldown. When he stars shooting, increase the fire rate from 50% to 100% for the first second. For the last 0.5 second, decrease the firerate to 75%, both in a gradient.

    -sniper - shoots super bullets, slower fire rate, 33% movespeed for 1 second before and after shooting.
    -tank - shoots shells every 7 seconds. stop moving 3 seconds before and after shooting. recoils when shooting (move back)

    -raider - wields an axe and charges at the player with 140% movement speed. each axe swing deals 2x bullet damage. Has 75% normal enemy health.
    -demoman - shoots low velocity grenades that explode 2 seconds after reaching 33% of their initial speed. (has friction of course)


    -warrior - wields a sword. has 7x normal enemy health. 1.5x normal enemy hitbox. every 10 seconds, swings his sword down, and propagates a line of hitbox that deals super bullet damage. this line is 0.75x normal block speed, and travels 7 block lengths in 1 second.
    -wizard - wields a magic. has 10x normal enemy health. 0.75x normal enemy hitbox. every 5 seconds, shoots a slow moving, giant wave that expands with time. constant speed. shell damage. lasts for 6 seconds.

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)


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